Montage Gallery
of 35count: 208

2 broke girls up in the air
amanda seyfrieds face+
julia louis dreyfuss eyes
julia louis dreyfuss lips

Amanda Emmanuelle Chriqui
amanda seyfrieds face+
emmanuelle chriquis eyes
emmanuelle chriquis lips

once upon a time there was a big love
ginnifer goodwins face+
amanda seyfrieds eyes
jennifer morrisons lips

Elle Fanning and Amanda Seyfried's love child: Dakota Fanning
elle fannings face+
amanda seyfrieds eyes
amanda seyfrieds lips

Cate Amanda Huntington Whiteley
cate blanchettes face+
amanda seyfrieds eyes
rosie huntington whiteleys lips

Diane Amanda Huntington Whiteley
diane krugers face+
amanda seyfrieds eyes
rosie huntington whiteleys lips

Alessandra Amanda Sossamon
alessandra ambrosias face+
amanda seyfrieds eyes
shannyn sossamons lips

Vanessa Amanda Bachleda Curus
vanessa hudgenss face+
amanda seyfrieds eyes
alicja bachleda curuss lips

Arielle Amanda Beatriz Barros
arielle kebbels face+
amanda seyfrieds eyes
ana beatriz barross lips